Q.2 Financial Math Week 2: Answer any ONE of the following: 5x1=5 Marks
(a) You are planning to pay off your current car. You expect to pay $8500 per year at the end of
each year from year 2 to year 5 (inclusive). What is the present value of this annuity today, if the
annual interest rate is 6%?
Q. 3 Financial Math Week 3 and 4: COMPULSORY
You are the forex control officer in the foreign exchange department of Bank Monash (based in
Melbourne, Australia). You have been given three tasks to accomplish.
You need write a put option for one of your client ABC Ltd. The option involves Canadian Dollar
($CAD) and Australian Dollar ($AUD). Your bank charges a premium of $AUD 0.05 for each unit
of $CAD traded via put option contract. The prediction is, the spot rate can be $ 1CAD = $AUD 1.23
around the time of option’s execution date (expiry date). What strike rate you should put to
prevent any loss if the contract is executed?
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