Discuss the relationship between evolutionary psychology and behavioural genetics. Are they the same or is there a difference?



Question 1:

Discuss the relationship between evolutionary psychology and behavioural genetics. Are they the same or is there a difference? How is evolutionary psychology related to behavioural genetics?

Introduction (5 marks) (approximately 100 words)

- A brief introduction of evolutionary psychology and behavioural genetics.

Content (30 marks) (approximately 600 words)

- You are required to provide at least 3 points how on evolutionary psychology is related to behavioural genetics.

Conclusion (5 marks) (approximately 100 words)

- Closing remarks. Provide a conclusion to your discussion.

Question 2:

Imagine that you are a manager of an international firm and you are instructed by the headquarters to appoint one of the following employees to be a branch manager for a new branch. In order to know your employees better, you have asked them to take a psychological test to find out their main motives. The following are the results of the test:

Jenny obtains a high score in the “need for achievement”.

Noah obtains a high score in the “need for power”.

Jacob obtains a high score in the “need for intimacy and affiliation”.

Grace obtains a high score in the “avoidant motives”.

Based on their results, whom would you appoint as the branch manager? Discuss. (60 marks)

- For this question, you are required to have a good knowledge of “motives” before answering the question. Therefore, please make sure you have adequately studied the topic before making any decision.

*You are required to justify why you will/will not appoint Jenny, Noah, Jacob and Grace. (approximately 500 words for each)

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