Discuss the trade-offs between circuit switching, virtual circuit switching, and packet switching. Answer the following about communication protocols: (a) IP (Internet Protocol) is described as a “best-effort delivery service.” What exactly does this mean

computer science


Discuss the trade-offs between circuit switching, virtual circuit switching, and packet switching. Answer the following about communication protocols: (a) IP (Internet Protocol) is described as a “best-effort delivery service.” What exactly does this mean? What is the consequence if the "best effort" fails? (b) Explain how UDP (User Datagram Protocol) differs from IP as a transport mechanism. (c) Finally, describe the added capability TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) provides for data transport. Your cousin has asked you to help her to design a small home network for her own use. What are the important questions that you will need to ask as you start to consider your design? List at least three. What are the critical components that you will need to specify in your design? List at least three. Explain the steps the Address Resolution Protocol takes to match an IP with a MAC address.

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