Discuss what is problematic about this model and use sources to discuss alternative ways



7. Discuss what is problematic about this model and use sources to discuss alternative ways of thinking about sex and gender. 8. Develop an argument around these issues. But be sure to include your own responses or reactions to arguments form different sides. 9. When referring to transgender people please use pronouns that are appropriate to the gender of their preference (not their biological sex). 10. There should be a clearly established connection among the 4 class sources used in this paper. Please don’t simply move from one text to another. There should be a strong argument and purpose holding the paper together. 11. There should be a clear introduction and a clearly stated central thesis at the beginning of your paper. 12. Avoid broad claims and generalizations about transgender movement; oppression; gay rights, etc. Develop specific arguments and back them up with direct references to sources.

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