Discusses how various economic forces impact our standard of living and how firms and households respond to government decision making. This paper is to integrate these various economic principals and provide an argument on what type of economic policy wo



Discusses how various economic forces impact our standard of living and how firms and households respond to government decision making. This paper is to integrate these various economic principals and provide an argument on what type of economic policy would you implemented based on the current state of the economy. The argument should be pushing either demand-side economics or supply-side economics. Choose which type of economic force and support it with research. The paper will include monetary policy as part of the discussion. ((Paper is 1,000 words, doubled spaced, times roman, 12 font)) Choose which economic force you support; 1) demand-side economics, or 2) supply-side economics. Base your argument on the current state of the economy Use research to support your argument Include monetary policy in the policy-making a portion of the paper.

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