Do not include your name on your write-up, since these will be peer-graded anonymously.
Do not include your raw R code in your write-up unless we explicitly ask for it. You will submit
your R script as a separate document to the write-up itself. In Canvas, you will see actually two assignments
corresponding to homework 4: one for the write-up, and one for the R script. Your write-up is what get’s
graded, but your R scripts must also be submitted along with the homework, by the same deadline, for the
purpose of audits and ensuring compliance with course policy regarding academic integrity. If you do not
submit your R script, you will not receive credit for the homework.
If you use tables or figures, make sure they are formatted professionally. Figures and tables should
have informative captions. Numbers should be rounded to a sensible number of digits (you’re at UT and
therefore a smart cookie; use your judgment for what’s sensible). Rows and columns in tables should line
up correctly, and tables shouldn’t merely be copied and pasted in Courier (or similar) directly from the R
Format your answers in the same way we’ve learned to do on previous homeworks, with four sections:
1) Questions; 2) Approach; 3) Results; 4) Conclusions. Note: for some of these problems, there might be
more than one question to answer. Just put all questions in a single Questions section, all results in a single
Results section, etc.
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