Do some Internet research on EOIP and IPOE. Look for sources that provide description of these, the business reasons behind their increasing popularity, and case examples that illustrate EOIP and IPOE best practices.

computer science


Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including the cover page and reference page). Please use the APA Sample provided in in the student resources to complete your assignment.

  1. Do some Internet research on EOIP and IPOE. Look for sources that provide description of these, the business reasons behind their increasing popularity, and case examples that illustrate EOIP and IPOE best practices. Summarize your findings.
  2. Explain the motivation for the development of a standardized architecture and the reasons why a customer should use products based on a protocol architecture standard in preference to products based on a proprietary architecture.
  3. Describe the functions of proxies, gateways, and tunnels in HTTP.
  4. You have just been hired as the CIO of an organization that has been in business for a while and has recently acquired another smaller organization in order to increase market share. The original organization operated a fleet of buses that conducted tours and travel packages along the northern portion of the U.S. eastern coast. All of its computer applications existed on a central mainframe at company headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. The acquired organization conducted helicopter tours around New York City and Washington, DC. All of its systems were C/S based (primarily thick clients accessing thin DB servers) and they were based outside Baltimore, near the BWI airport. Due to the mergers, the organization’s IT architecture is now a disparate combination of computer systems and manual procedures. Given the general description of the stakeholder groups below and using the general C/S classes defined in Figure 9.5, prepare a cohesive IT architectural plan for the new organization and present it to the CEO for approval. Address all potential advantages and disadvantages of the plan from the perspectives of the various groups of stakeholders.

    bus/helicopter maintenance workers and mechanics (10 employees)

    system for ordering parts/supplies

    drivers/pilots (20 employees)

    —logs and route/schedule information

    administration/HR (5 employees)

    —employee records

    —financial records

    marketing (8 employees)

    —marketing activities

    —customer interactions (CRM)

    management (9 employees)


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