Do the following JavaScript exercises in the Eloquent JavaScript online book

computer science


Homework 2

Do the following JavaScript exercises in the Eloquent JavaScript online book (  Please read the chapters carefully before you attempt the exercises.  The answers are available for these exercises, but, as the book suggests, try really hard until you get a mild headache and can’t get it to work, before you look at the answers.  I want you to turn in your best version of the code (even if the code does not work) and not the answers given in the book.  You can turn in the JavaScript files.  You can look at the answers understand them and change your implementation based on pointers from the answer as this will help you learn, but don’t just copy the exact book answers and turn them in.  If you turn in the exact book answers for most of the questions (coming up with the exact book answers is a highly unlikely event if you attempted them by yourself) your grade will be penalized and you will get zeros for the exact book answers.

Chapter 2

Exercise 2.1 – Looping a triangle

Exercise 2.2 – FizzBuzz

Exercise 2.3 - Chessboard


Chapter 3

Exercise 3.1 – Minimum

Exercise 3.2 – Recursion  (Optional.  Extra credit)

Exercise 3.3 – Bean Counting


Chapter 4

Exercise 4.2 – Reversing an array

Exercise 4.3 – A list


Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1 – Flattening

Exercise 5.3 – Everything


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