Does it make sense to view the four faultlines as features of Canadian society that actually hold us together, rather than tear us apart? What do you think might be new faultlines in Canada’s future?



This take-home test has two short essay questions. You must use an essay format to answer both questions (i.e. separated paragraphs and complete sentences). Your opinion matters so make sure that you define your argument clearly and defend it with factual information.

Each response should be no more than 500 words in length and must include at least 1 academic source and 2 secondary (non-academic) sources. Use APA to format the paper and include a Work Cited at the end of the paper. This take-home test is due Thursday April 16th  8:30am. Please submit to TEST # 3

folder in Brightspace Assignments as a PDF.

Short Essay Questions

1. Does it make sense to view the four faultlines as features of Canadian society that actually hold us together, rather than tear us apart? What do you think might be new faultlines in Canada’s future?

2. Speculate on Canada’s future. What will the regional geography of Canada look like 25 years from now? What will future regional geographers say about Canada?

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