Downtown Office supply is a small family owned store in a small suburb. In order to maintain and grow the business the owners want to do some analysis to see how their sales are doing.



Assignment:  Excel (100 points)

Read the brief case below.  Using the Excel spreadsheet provided, complete the questions.  

Downtown Office Supply 

Downtown Office supply is a small family owned store in a small suburb.  In order to maintain and grow the business the owners want to do some analysis to see how their sales are doing.  Management wants to see how the company did last year and make some decisions about what products to keep along with staffing for busy times of the year.  

Instructions:  In the Excel spreadheet provided, complete the tasks below.  Upon completion you will submit a single, completed, Excel workbook.  (No Google Sheets, nor Apple Numbers files will be accepted.)

Setup the spreadsheet with proper formatting and formulas so it can be presented to management. (10 pts)

Change the tab called “Quarterly” to “Q1 - Quarterly” and move the tab to the first position. 

Add a column to calculate the total for each product.  Use the SUM function.   

Add rows to calculate the Total, Average and Median sales for each quarter.  Use the SUM, AVERAGE, and MEDIAN functions.  

Format the title at the top so it stands out.  Add distinct formatting to the column and row headings.  Format the data in the cells to show currency. 

Format the total sales column to have a green background.

Create a bar chart showing for each product (a) the total sales for the year and (b) the proportion of the total contributed by each quarter’s sales.  This should be shown in one.  You should have 1 bar for each product.   Add a title to your chart.  

Instruction Files

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