Due to the disruptions of the semester, in lieu of a final exam, you may do this mini-project. It is essentially extra credit: your assessment score (which is 60% of the final grade) will be the maximum of
● assessment score formula 1: 60% beter exam ;40% worse exam, 0% mini-project
● assessment score formula 2: 38% best assessment; 34% middle assessment; 28% worst assessment (here the three assessments are the two midterm exams and the mini-project)
Mini-Project Scenario:
To aid with a safe return to an in-class setting as the Covid-19 pandemic begins to subside, a
university is planning to do extensive testing of people to see whether they have the virus, along
with contact tracing, when new cases are identified. To aid in contact tracing, they are
considering monitoring which students and employees are in which university locations when.
The results will be stored in a database . When there is reason to believe that someone has
potentially become contagious (e.g. because they had a positive test or because they
developed symptoms), this will be noted in the database and others who were near them will be
identified so they can also be tested. You have been hired to help develop a prototype for the
database and some queries and to do some performance analysis.
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