During the course program, you were familiarized with several Purchase & Supply Management concepts and best practices as being adopted by different organizations globally.



RESEARCH THEME-2: During the course program, you were familiarized with several Purchase & Supply Management concepts and best practices as being adopted by different organizations globally. Select an organization from within the SAARC nations - existing for factual purposes is preferred (it may be a firm where you carried out your summer internship or is a family-owned business) or is fictional ( any firm) and write a compact case-study showcasing the adoption of three (3) unique PSM concepts and two (2) PSM best practices at the company.

The compact case-study must be written in the past tense, except for direct quotes. The case-study must have a central lead character (the protagonist) with a clear decision focus; it can be illustrative, descriptive or analytical in nature. As challenges faced by the firm’s procurement processes, several of the procurement-related concepts and best practices (studied in class) can be visualized. [Marks break up in parenthesisi:

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