e-commerce Assignment-4 What is Intellectual Property Rights . Explain the various forms of intellectual property and the challenges involved in protecting it. Define Digital Rights Management . Describe the major trends in the online travel services indu



e-commerce Assignment-4 What is Intellectual Property Rights . Explain the various forms of intellectual property and the challenges involved in protecting it. Define Digital Rights Management . Describe the major trends in the online travel services industry today. Explain the key factors affecting the online publishing industry and identify the challenges faced by the different types of online retailers Submission Instructions Answer the questions in your own words. Engaging in plagiarism more than 30%, may be graded zero marks in her assignment or course. Therefore, it is advised to check plagiarism match before submission. Submit the assignment latest by the end of week-11. Late assignment will not be accepted and will be graded zero. with references in another word document Read the following web article http://www.wto.org/english/res_e/booksp_e/ecom_brochure_e.pdf Make a post addressing the following question. How might the use of telephony change the current e-commerce operating environments. Your post should be 1-2 paragraphs (50 - 150 words). Due date is end of week-11. Before the end of the week, post a response to at least one other student’s post. Take time to analyze your fellow student’s viewpoint and address specific points. Simply saying that you agree is not a sufficient response.

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