Each username shall have a single ToDo list instance made up of zero or more ToDoItem instances.

computer science


As shown in the E-R and database diagrams: 

1) Each username shall have a single ToDo list instance made up of zero or more ToDoItem instances. 

2) A ToDo list: 

a) Is uniquly identified using an integer value automatically generated by the database. 

b) Must have a username value. Each username value must be unique and must contain at least one upper or lower-case letter. Only upper and lower-case letters and the space character are allowed in a username. 

3) A ToDoItem: 

a) Is uniquely identified using the ToDo id value (a foreign key field) along with an integer value automatically generated by the database. 

b) Must have a dateCreated. This value is created by the system instead of the user. 

c) Must have a description. This value describes the to-do item and must contain at least one character

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