Eager to start your budding career as an IT professional, you have decided to open your own managed services company.

computer science


Assignment Number 1: Build a simple network 


Eager to start your budding career as an IT professional, you have decided to open your own managed services company. What better way to hone your skills than working on your own company? 

To get started you will need some computers to work and test on. You have decided on a Windows 10 workstation, a Linux workstation, and a Microsoft Server. You also have a computer on your home network that needs to have remote access to your server so you can work from home. 

Your Server will need to follow the criteria below: 

Follow a logical naming convention for your company 

2 NIC’s (1 LAN segment and 1 NAT) 

A static IP address, subnet mask and default gateway on the LAN segment interface and a dynamic address on the NAT interface 

A local administrator and standard user account 

File server to hold and share files  

Shadow copy enabled on your shared folder(s) 

Disk quotas enabled to limit the size of files in your shared folder(s) 

MP3 files will be blocked from being saved in your shared folder(s)  

Simple web and FTP server 

Act as a Routing and Remote Access server with VPN 

Have multiple drives using RAID 5 for fault tolerance 

Your Windows workstation will follow the criteria below: 

Follow a logical naming convention for your company 

Have a local administrator and standard user account 

Have a mapped drive to share(s) created on your windows server 

Able to RDP into your server 

Able to connect to the web and FTP services on your server 

Your Linux workstation will follow the criteria below: 

Follow a logical naming convention for your company 

Have a root and 3 standard user accounts 

A working skel directory for future users that automatically modifies the new user environment with a custom prompt string and a welcome banner 

2 groups with 2 users in each group 

2 folders, one for each group  

Folders secured so members of each group can read but not write to the other groups folder, but can read and write from their own 

Your home laptop will follow the criteria below: 

Be on an isolated network from your company’s machines 

Able to connect to your company VPN and RDP into your server 

Your network should resemble the topology below: 




This is an individual assignment.

You will be providing screenshots for all the steps of the assignment.   

The grading will follow the rubric provided.  

If an item does not get full marks, your instructor will provide an explanation as to why you received the mark. 

***It is recommended that you take a snapshot or backup of your environment when you are finished. This network will be used for all future assignments*** 


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