Early Childhood Math and Science




EC400 Early Childhood Math and Science

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to

Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences,

and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA

format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the

"Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.

Part 1

Unit 33 presented a basic formula for facilitating science investigations: the teacher poses

a question, listens to hypothesis or predictions, allows students to investigate and collect

data, listens to the data from the class, and records it for the class to see. Then the teacher

facilitates a discussion to compare the data with the original hypotheses.

Your assignment is to choose an objective relevant to science for the primary grades. You

should use a state standard just as you did for Assignment 4. Then use the same lesson

plan outline you did for Assignment 4 (see the table below) to create an inquiry-based

science lesson.

For this assignment, instead of an initial activity, you will start your lesson with a

“motivating question,” a question posed for the students to form hypotheses about. For

the extension of the lesson, do not come up with activities; instead come up with at least

two well thought-out questions you could ask your students that may require further

investigations. These questions could be “what if” questions related to changing a


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