Econometrics coding with Python or Matlab programming



Econometrics coding with Python or Matlab programming

Please submit your answers by midnight (11:59pm) on Friday, 27th March 2020 via Your discussion of results (50% of the marks) and working code (the other 50%) should be contained in a single Jupyter Notebook or MATLAB live script using markup functionality or commentary. You don’t need to provide data. In marking your empirical project, I will be executing your MATLAB scripts or Python notebooks, so please make sure that the code is working to avoid a loss of 50% marks for code that does not compile or throws an error on execution

When submitting your files via e-mail, please: 

1. Use the file-naming convention: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME - PROJECT 1.

2. Indicate whether you:

(a) agree to share your work on Dropbox with the rest of the class with your identification intact (“I-amproud-of-my-work!” option) [default option if you forget to mention it in your e-mail submission]; 

(b) agree to share your work on Dropbox with the rest of the class but with your identification removed (“I-am-happy-to-share-but-I-feel-shy” option); 

(c) do not like to share your work with anyone.

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