CS6262: Research Project (Dissertation Assessment)
Dissertation Title/Author/Year:
Emergency Physicians' Perspectives on the Usability of Health Information Exchange / Shirley A. Thorn/ 2011
Your Student Name:
Write of brief summary (no more than 1 page) that outlines what the author set out to do/intended to do, what the author did and how the author actually did it. Reference dissertation page numbers and sections throughout.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Identification of research area and formulation of research question.
Weight = 10 Introduction identifies an important research area and formulates a well defined research question. Introduction identifies a research area and formulates a well defined research question. Introduction either identifies a research area or formulates a research question, but limited contextualisation. Weak introduction that fails to justify the research area or identify a clearly defined question. Very weak introduction, which fails to justify the research area or identify a research question.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Research methodology
Weight = 15 Provides a clear statement of the method(s) used to obtain data, justifies the chosen method(s) in relation to the research question. Identifies method(s) used to obtain data and makes some attempt to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, in relation to the research question. Identifies methods used to obtain data, but may apply these unquestioningly, in relation to the research question. Little attempt to explain methods used to obtain data, with little discussion of their strengths or weaknesses, in relation to the research question. Little or no attempt to explain methods used to obtain data, and little or no attempt to evaluate them, in relation to the research question.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Knowledge and understanding of relevant literature
Weight = 10 Shows extensive/deep knowledge and understanding of literature relevant to the research question and the chosen method. Shows good knowledge and understanding of literature relevant to the research question and the chosen method. Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of literature relevant to the research question and/or the chosen method. Limited knowledge or understanding of literature relevant to the research question and/or the chosen method. Very limited knowledge or understanding of literature relevant to the research question and/or the chosen method.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Uses of data
Weight = 15 Shows competence and imagination in the way data are obtained and used; and evaluates the quality of data. Shows some competence and flexibility in obtaining and using the data; and makes some attempt to evaluate data quality. Derives some data from sources, but the data obtained is limited or of questionable quality. Only derives a limited amount of data, with little attempt to justify the sources and/or quality. Derives very little relevant data; little or no attempt to justify sources and/or quality.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Interpretation of results
Weight = 10 Clear and competent interpretation of the evidence presented, with an assessment of its limitations. Makes a reasonable attempt to analyse and interpret the results of analysis, shows some awareness of its limitations. Makes some attempt to analyse the results, but with some lack of awareness of the limitations. Limited analysis of the results and limitations. Very limited analysis of such results as have been obtained with no awareness of the limitations.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation of material
Weight = 10 Presents material in a clear and logical manner, with a full bibliography; all items are properly referenced. Material is generally well organised and clearly presented. Includes a full bibliography with appropriate referencing. Material is not always clearly presented or well organised. Material may be poorly presented and badly organised. Material is poorly presented and badly organised.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Relevance of findings
Weight = 15 Findings are clear, relevant, considered and significant. Findings are generally clear, relevant and considered. Findings are not always clear, relevant and considered. Findings are often unclear/absent, irrelevant or inappropriate in the context of the work done. Findings are unclear/absent, irrelevant or unjustified.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Area 5 4 3 2 1
Quality of argument and clarity of conclusions
Weight = 15 Clear and logical argument, leading to appropriate and well justified conclusions. Clear and logical argument, leading to appropriate and justified conclusions. Argument is often not clearly and logically presented; conclusions are not always supported by evidence. Argument is often difficult to identify or follow. Failure to develop a clear argument.
What the author did/should have done/failed to do (referencing page numbers/sections as appropriate), mark out of 5 giving reason(s) for same.
Finally, you should
(i) calculate the final percentage mark for the dissertation
(ii) remark on the appropriateness of this rubric to evaluate a dissertation, making particular reference to the dissertation that you reviewed.
Area# Weight Score Weight x Score
1 10 3 30
2 15 2 30
3 10 4 40
4 15 5 75
5 10 1 10
6 10 2 20
7 15 3 45
8 15 5 75
100 325
The maximum marks are 500 i.e. 100 in total weight and the maximum for each area is 5.
Therefore, in this case divide 325/500 to get the percentage score.
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