Assignment 3: Adult
Learning Theory
1. Read: Chapters 4-7 in Merriam, S. B. &
Caffarella, R. S. (2007) Learning in adulthood: A
comprehensive guide. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (3rd. Edition).
2. View: Mini-lecture on andragogy by Janet
Finlay (2010) at
3. Choose 1 of the following 2 options for
Assignment 3:
4. Post your assignment on the Discussion
Board so your group members can read it, and also upload a copy of your posting
to the Assignment 3 dropbox. This assignment will graded in the dropbox.
Learning Objectives:
After completing the learning activities of this assignment, you
should be able to:
Recognize a variety of assumptions and models about adult learning
that contribute to advancing understanding of adult learning theory.
Compare and contrast some of the key elements of adult learning
theory at play in the literature discussed in the textbook and in Finlay's
(2010) youtube video.
In Chapters 4-7 of Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive
guide, Merriam, Caffarella and Baumgartner(2007) claim that although
distinguishing between how children and adults learn plays a role in the
study of adult education, it is by no means the most significant concern in
the study of learning throughout life. Finlay's (2010) video based
discussion of the pedagogy/andragogy debate echoes ands expands on Merriam,
Caffarella and Baumgartner's (2007) perspective. All the same, an introductory
course about adult learning like this one would not be complete without a
review of the place of pedagogy and andragogy in Western education found in
chapter 4 of the text. One of strengths of Learning in adulthood: A
comprehensive guide is the rich description the authors offer
of alternative theories of adult learning developed by theorists such as
Illeris, Jarvis, McClusky, Freire, Tough, and Mezirow. Reading these
chapters will also expand your knowledge of a significant complexity in the
field-adult education as an individual process in comparison to adult
education as sociocultural phenomena.
As in Assignment 2, you are offering an analysis - based in your
reading and viewing of the assigned resources.
Components of Assignment 3:
You will write a short (400-500 words, double spaced, 12 font, 1
margins) document, which includes an introduction and a conclusion. Create your
document in a word processing program (eg. Word), and use the word count
tool to calculate how long your assignment is. Include a word count in your
assignment text. Provide citations in the text and reference list at the end of
your posting using APA (5th or 6th ed.) style.
You will submit this assignment as a posting on the course discussion forum, by
copying and pasting from your word processed document. Please also upload your
posting to the assignment 3 dropbox. This assignment is worth 10% of your total
grade. Please refer to the rubric (marking guide) below along with the
Learning Objectives.
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