Engineering Design and Workshop Technology skills are considered to be of high importance for the modern engineers.




Engineering Design and Workshop Technology skills are considered to be of high importance for the modern engineers. The module in scope aims to the understanding of the procedures that have to be followed during the development stages of a new product. Thus, given specific customer requirements, students will be given the opportunity to develop and built a new product.

Students will be assesed through two written asignments that are to cover the procedure of product design and manufacturing of a mechanical assembly. Also, manufacturing skills will be taken in consideration as workshop equipment will be used for the prototyping of the developed product.

The present assessement sheet covers the following learning outcomes:

1.    Develop a design specification that establishes customer requirements.

2.    Develop and understand a design report with design concept, evaluation of concepts and selection of optimum design solution.

3.    Utilise and use computer technologies in the design process.

Thus, students will be given a specific set of customer requirements and appropriate actions should be taken in order to carry out the procedure of Engineering Design of a product that covers the given requirements. At the end, an Engineering Report has to be given in order to describe the actions that have been taken in order to overcome the intermediate stages of Engineering Design. Also, detailed Engineering Drawings will be included at the Engineering Report. The Engineering Report should have a length of 1500-2000 words.

Engineering Design Scenario and Initial Customer Requirements

Your customer, a toolmaker asks you to design a tap wrench that is appropriate for use with standards metric taps in the range of M3-M8.

(Note that the product is shown just for reference. Your product should respect the given specifications)

Your customer‘s manufacturing capabilities include injection molding of plastic parts, machining and precision ginding.

You are alowed to design anything you want as long as the designed product can be manufactured in-house. Also, you should consider designing the tap wrench respecting the manufacturing related issues involved in the economic mass production of the designed product.

Assignment Key Points

Students should consider the following key points so as to fulfill assignment requirements.

à Market Research

Taking in consideration the given customer requirements, students should perform a market research along with a competition analysis. This procedure is to extend the customer requirements and determine the basic features that lead to justification of the product.

à Design Specifications

A design specification (DS) is created to ensure that the subsequent design and development of a product meets the needs of the user and also ensure the function a product is designed to perform. The DS report should show student understanding and appreciation of the DS document. Students need to use relevant details of customer requirements such as aesthetics, functions, performance, cost, and production parameters to identify the design parameters with the level of risk involved. Using the DS document, conceptual design solutions can be produced and evaluated to select the optimum design solution. Using the customer requirements students must develop a written specification considering all the relative and important factors.

à Concept Designs

This stage of the design involves drawing up a number of different viable concept designs which satisfy the requirements of the product outlined in the DS and then evaluating them to decide on the most suitable one in order to develop further. Hence, concept design can be seen as a two-stage process of generation and evaluation.

à Final Design Drawings

The chosen concept should be developed utilising computer technologies and detailed manufacturing drawings should be exported. The generated mechanical drawings have to fully define the digital prototype. Also CAD files of the solid models and 2D drawings must be submited.

Marking Criteria

The marking of this assessment will be based on the following requirements:


Including structure of report, contents page, brief, introduction, references and appendices.


Market Research

Including existing products, competitors chart, market survey, analysis of results leading to justification of the product.


Design Specifications

Including structure, relevance and accuracy of information in relation to specific products.



Including the drawing up of a number of different concepts and then evaluating them to decide on the most suitable one.


Detailed Design

Including final design CAD files and complete sketches with dimensions




Reading Materials

·         Module lecture and support notes

·         Antoniadis, A.Th., (2012) Manufacturing Technology: forming processes, Thessaloniki: Tziola

·         Petropoulos , P. G., (1992) Manufacturing Technology, Thessaloniki :Ziti

·         Mpouzakis, K.D., (2003) Principles of Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Thessaloniki: Ziti,

·         Voulgaris, M., (2004) Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Athens: Synchroni Ekdotiki ,
Leake, J, M. (2008) Engineering design graphics: sketching, modelling, and visualization, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

·         Cross, N. (2008) Engineering design methods: strategies for product design, 4th ed; Chichester: John Wiley.

·         Pahl, G. (2007) Engineering design: A Systematic Approach, 3rd ed.; London: Springer.

·         Baxter, M. (2002) Product design: a practical guide to systematic methods of new product development, Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes.

·         Foley, van Dam, Feiner & Hughes. (1996) Computer graphics: principles and practice, 2nd ed; Reading, Mass; Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.

·         French, M. J. (1985) Conceptual design for engineers, London: Berlin: Design Council.

·         Hurst, K. (1999) Engineering design principles, London: Arnold.

·         Raghavendra, N. V. , Krishnamurthy, L. (2015) Engineering metrology and measurements, 3rd ed; Chennai: Oxford University Press

·         Bucher, J. L., (2015), The metrology handbook, 2nd ed; Winsconsin: ASQ

·         Curtis, M., Farago, F. (2014), Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, 5th ed; South Norwalk: Industrial Press, Inc.

Note: These sources are guides only to commonly available material. Students will also be expected to consult other relevant source material according to the nature of the project.

Late Submission

There are no automatic rights to late submission, with a capped mark of 40%. However, the University acknowledges that there may be circumstances which prevent students from meeting deadlines.

There are now three distinct processes in place to deal with differing student circumstances:


1.    Assessed Extended Deadline (AED)

Students with disabilities or long term health issues are entitled to a Support Plan. The Support Plan will outline any adjustments to assessments which are required to accommodate an individual student’s needs. For further details refer to the link below:


2.    Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEC)

The EEC policy applies to situations where serious, unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from completing the assignment on time or to the normal standard. Students who submit a successful EEC claim will usually be required to complete a different assessment to that which was originally set. All EEC claims will be considered by Faculty/UDC panels, which will convene on a monthly basis.

For further details refer to the link below:


3.    Late Submission up to One Week

Covering unexpected and severe disruption to study, where circumstances do not require the additional time allowed for by an EEC, the Late Submission process enables students to complete their existing assessment up to one week late, without a cap on the grade. Requests for late submission will be made to the relevant Subject Manager in the School who can authorise an extension of up to a maximum of one week. The Subject Manager will expect to see compelling evidence that such an extension is appropriate.

Academic Offences

An "academic offence" has been committed when a student tries to gain improper advantage for her/himself by breaking, or not following, the Academic Regulations concerning any part of the assessment process. This procedure applies to all students engaged in any University assessment activity whether on or off site including collaborative programmes.

Please be aware that should the marking reveal the possibility that the work submitted is not that of the student, then a verbal examination (VIVA) and interview will be conducted to ascertain the validity of the work.

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