Entrepreneur Reflection Paper



Entrepreneur Reflection Paper

Expand upon the entrepreneur interview, and write a reflection paper on your chosen

person. The entrepreneur reflection paper is worth 150 points and is due in Week 5.

The purpose of this paper is to take the information from the interview and reflect upon

the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur.


  •  The paper must be 4 - 5 pages in length.
  •  You must follow APA formatting.
  •  Include a table of contents.
  •  Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in

nature, references are still very important. You must reference your interviewee. Be

sure to look up how to cite an interview in APA style.

  •  All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
  •  Papers are due during Week 5 of this course and should be submitted to the dropbox.
  • Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
  • This paper is worth 150 total points and will be graded on the quality of the research topic,

quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure.


 During Week 5, write and submit your entrepreneur reflection paper. In Week 5, you will

finish writing your paper (see next section). For APA format guidelines, please refer to

the APA Tutorial in the Syllabus. Ensure that the body of your paper, excluding cover

page and sources, exceeds the minimum and that all of the assignment requirements

have been met.

Best Practices

 Cover Page: Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.

 Table of Contents: List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages where

they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.

 Introduction: Use a header on your paper. It will indicate that you are introducing your


The purpose of an introduction or opening is to

o introduce the subject and why the subject is important;

o preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and

o establish the tone of the document.

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