Ethnicity gender and juvenile delinquency Gender differences in delinquent behavior




Gender diff

erences in mathematical ability


Adolescent girls’ vulnerabili

ty to stereotypes concerning ability


Cross cultural differences in moral development


Gender differences in moral development


Differences in post conventional thought


Ethnic identity and gender in career self


efficacy expectancies


Ethnicity and develop

ment of identity


Gender and development of identity


Ethnicity , gender, and adolescent friendships


Differences in sexual orientation 


The origins of sexual orientation


Adolescents of various racial backgrounds that live in poverty


Percentage of

children living with one or both of their parents according to

race and ethnicity


Ethnicity gender and juvenile delinquency Gender differences in

delinquent behavior


Ethnicity, gender, and suicid

Su20 PSYC 1150-51 General Psychology

Choose one topic from the Human Diversity Topics

Then do research and find one research article on the topic you chose.

Then write your Annotated Bibliography.  The bibliography must consist of three parts:

Part I : APA format citation of the research article

Part II: A one –Paragraph summary of the article.  The summary should be concise and cover major points only.  The summary of the article must include purpose, design, and findings.

Part III: A one –paragraph critique of each article, including:  a) Strengths of the article. b) Weaknesses of the article.  c) Relate article to the text readings.   You are required to write a page, double-spaced, one-inch margins, references, (last 10 years unless seminal).  The papers are worth 10 points and points will be taken off for grammar, and spelling.  As for stated, use of APA format is required.  

Submit your Annotated Bibliography here by the due date.

Annotated Bibliography 3Annotated Bibliography 3

 Due July 2 at 8:00 AM


 Starts Jun 26, 2020 8:00 AMEnds Jul 2, 2020 8:00 AM


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