Evaluate appropriate tools that an analyst might use in a given situation, including interviews, questionnaires and observation

computer science



Name of Centre: Ealing, Hammersmith & 

                   West London College




Learner achievement (please highlight) NB: All learner achievement is provisional until confirmed at the AVA Awards Board

Level Achieved:



Final Grade Achieved 

(Level 3 units only)








Title of Access to HE Diploma: COMPUTING


Unit title(s): System Analysis

Unit code(s):  BZS895





Augustine Sanwu

Description of Assignment: 

Please see the details on attachment

Date set:



6th October 2020

Date for draft submission

(if applicable):



Date for final submission: 



3rd November 2020

Extension date (if agreed):


Signed by Tutor/Assessor to agree extension: 


Date submitted:


Learner declaration: (Tick)

o   The explanations and evaluations in this work have been developed and written by me.

o   I have not submitted material copied from the Internet, text books or other sources in place of my own thinking and writing.

o   When I have referred to the work of others I have done so to discuss, comment on or argue their ideas.

o   I have kept quotation and paraphrasing to an absolute minimum and only to support points I have made.

o   I understand that referencing the names of authors whose ideas I have used without including my own interpretation of those ideas, does not meet the assessment criteria and cannot attract the Pass, Merit or Distinction grades.

o   I have not copied the work of my peers


Learner comments: (please use this space to comment on any aspect of the assignment when handing in your work)




UNIT TITLE:      System Analysis

LEVEL:      Three


UNIT CODE:        CL6/3/LN/004

This unit has 4 learning outcomes.




This assignment addresses the following Assessment Criteria from the unit

AC no

Level Three


1. Understand the systems life cycle


Produce a diagram of a systems life cycle model identifying feedback and output where appropriate


Apply a systems life cycle model to a given situation / case study


Identify and analyze systems problems in a given case study

2. Understand the role of a systems analyst


Specify and explain tasks and qualities that might be applicable in a given situation


Evaluate appropriate tools that an analyst might use in a given situation, including interviews, questionnaires and observation


Clearly explain how these tools may be used.

3. Know the use of various systems tools

3. 1

Construct a detailed flow chart for a given situation using conventional symbols throughout


Chart the progress of a given systems analysis, identify problem areas and suggest improvements

4. Know how to solve a problem in a given situation

4. 1

Use the conventions of an analyst's report on a given scenario


Evaluate a system or system proposal, addressing appropriate questions and categories



If you have achieved all Level 3 criteria you will receive a grade (Pass, Merit or Distinction) against the following Grade Descriptors.  (There are no descriptors for Pass; learners achieve a Pass by meeting all ACs for the unit at Level 3.)

Grade Descriptor

To achieve a Merit

The student, student’s work or performance:

To achieve a Distinction:

The student, student’s work or performance:


GD1: Understanding of the subject

a. demonstrates a very good grasp of the relevant knowledge base

c. demonstrates very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study

a. demonstrates an excellent grasp of the relevant knowledge base

c. demonstrates excellent understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study


GD3: Application of skills



a. generally selects appropriate

? skills

? techniques

b. applies appropriate

? skills

? techniques

with very good levels of

? confidence

? consistency

a. consistently selects appropriate

? skills

? techniques

b. applies

? skills

? techniques

with excellent levels of

? confidence

? consistency


GD7: Quality



taken as a whole, demonstrates a

very good response to the demands of the assignment

taken as a whole, demonstrates an

excellent response to the demands of the assignment

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