Evaluate the financial performance of an organisation using financial and narrative information prepared under International GAAP








MODULE TITLE:                   Managing Financial Performance

MODULE CODE:         MAN7040

LECTURER:                Amerdeep Jakhu

ISSUE DATE:              3rd February 2020

HAND IN DATE:          4th May 2020 at 12.00pm (midday)

HAND BACK DATE:   1st June 2020


Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:


  • LO 1 Evaluate the financial performance of an organisation using financial and narrative information prepared under International GAAP
  • LO 2 Apply appropriate costing and budgeting techniques to a specific scenario.
  • LO 3 Evaluate alternate investment projects using appropriate techniques.
  • LO 4 Evaluate alternative methods of corporate financing on financial performance.
  • LO 5 Demonstrate a level of competence in the preparation and analysis of financial information.


General guidance

The assessment for this unit is one coursework assignment. The required mark has been set at 50%. If you are attempting a first or second re-sit attempt your pass mark will be capped at 50%.

This is an individual assessment. Whilst there is no objection to you discussing the content of this assignment with your peers, your final submission must be completely your own work. Plagiarism and copying will not be tolerated and may lead to subsequent penalties being imposed. This is an individual assignment and all calculations, analysis and narrative submitted must be your own work.

The assignment will require a considerable personal investment of time and effort.


Structure of the assignment

There are three separate questions included within the assignment and you should attempt all three questions. There is no word limit to questions. If any part of the assignment is ignored this reduces the maximum marks which could potentially be awarded. The assignment answer should be carefully checked before submission for the use of appropriate and acceptable grammar. The correct use of English spelling is to be employed throughout.

All the numbers should be reported in 2 decimal points.

Submission of the assignment

All three questions must be attempted and submitted in one document. You are advised to prepare your assignment in Word format and copy and paste contents from Excel where spreadsheets have been used to support your work. Only Microsoft Word file will be allowed for submission.

Your student ID number should be shown on each page of your assignment.

Your assignment should be submitted electronically via Moodle and you are advised to do this well in advance of the submission deadline to avoid any system related issues. Feedback on your assignment will also be provided via Moodle once the marking has been completed.

Marking of the assignment

The matrix on the following page has been provided to assist you in completing your assignment and is an indicative guide only, not a formal marking scheme.

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