• You must submit your homework to UB Learn, by 11:59pm, on Sep. 21, 2020, Buffalo local time.
• The points of the problems indicate their relative weight.
• I will chose a subset of problems to be graded (about 50 - 60% of the total weight). Say I decide to grade P1, but not P2. If you did not do P1, but did P2, then you will get 0 point for these two problems. You cannot ask to substitute P2 for P1 for grading.
• Even though not all problems are graded, it is important you attempt all of them. Because this is how you learn the course material, and any of them could appear in exams. Detailed solutions of all (including ungraded) problems will be provided after the deadline.
• HW assignments, HW solutions, Exams, Exam solutions are all copy-right materials. Do not upload them to third-party websites. If you do and get caught, we will take proper actions against you.
• Guideline for all homework assignments
– Print your name, and UB number on the first page.
– The solutions can be hand-written, but must be legible.
– Present the solutions in sequential order. Make sure the problem number is clearly marked, and leave at least 1 inch space between problems. – You should upload a single pdf file, (not a zip file), to UB Learn.
– If you do not follow these guidelines, TA may deduct up to 20% of points.
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