Event Preparation - Discussion Pumpkin Carving The White House has hosted an Easter egg hunt every year since 1878. Such a traditional event has been planned each year and therefore its customs, expectations, logistics and infrastructure are well known by



Event Preparation - Discussion Pumpkin Carving The White House has hosted an Easter egg hunt every year since 1878. Such a traditional event has been planned each year and therefore its customs, expectations, logistics and infrastructure are well known by the event planning staff. This year the first lady has proposed there will be a pumpkin carving competition somewhere in a large field outside of D.C. for the children of the legislature. How can the event planning team take this idea into reality from an infrastructure and safety standpoint? What security issues exist? Which stakeholders should be consulted? What infrastructure challenges exist with an undeveloped site? I would like each of you to research another annual event (could be something in your community or somewhere else)...and how you would begin to plan this event?

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