Every semester thousands of students at a University register for courses and they have to do it with the help of their academic advisor.

computer science


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Every semester thousands of students at a University register for courses and they have to do it with the help of their academic advisor. That means students have to visit their assigned advisor’s office. Student wants a simple database to register and manage their courses on their own.

I propose to design a database that will help students to register various causes online without the help of their academic advisors.


i. The database will have a front-end application that is used to register and manage different courses. The University can also use to displaying their offered courses. The entire operation can be set up and run in the cloud and will maintain automatic backups. This is very easy to handle and display courses. Features it offers:

i. Student adding a course

ii. Student removing a course

iii. Registrar adding a course

iv. Registrar removing a course


ii. The project should be constructed in the Docker application container environment and may use any containers available on Docker hub. All projects will have the following common deliverables:

A git repository with all of the files needed to recreate the environment. You should be able to do a "git clone" and "docker-compose up", and able to interact with your project. The project should have a reasonable initial configuration.

A README.md file in the repository that describes what the project does and any additional configuration parameters. 

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