FINAL EXAM (SQL Queries using RStudio/SQLite) Number of Questions=9 [ totaling 120 points including optional question(s) worth 20 points]
Exam Grading Policy: Exam score will be determined as the minimum of 100 and actual score obtained on 8 questions. In other words, you have a choice of either answering all 9 questions or exclude two questions worth 10 points, or one question worth 20 points.
Bonus Question (max 30 points): score will be used to curve up overall course grade using a weight yet to be determined. This bonus question is equivalent of a make-up assignment. Note-1: The reference database is LG_Sales.db (ER diagram on next page). Download a fresh copy of this database from the exam link in Blackboard. It is possible that you may have corrupted your old copy by running CREATE commands for previous assignments. Note-2: Write your SQL queries using R Markdown (.Rmd file) in RStudio. The source file should be names using the convention LastNameFirstName_Exam.Rmd [DO NOT keep blank space in your filename]. The HTML output file will be stored by RStudio using the name of Rmd file when you execute all code chunks by clicking Knitr button. and the output file LastNameFirstName_Exam.html Note-3: Before each code chunk for query in the Rmd file, copy the text of respective question given below to your Markdown source code file. Note-4: Compress both the source file (LastNameFirstName_ Exam.Rmd) and the output file (LastNameFirstName_Exam.html) into a single compression file and then upload this file to Blackboard. NO NEED to upload these files separately. Note-6: The query question does not necessarily indicate the order of columns required. Make your own assumption on the sequence of columns for display in the SELECT clause. However, sorting should be done based on the order of columns specified.
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