Examing the Perception and Expectations of Liberian and Africans migrating to the United States of America before and after arrival, and what factors including Education, Culture, Race, and Gender affecting those perceptions.



Examing the Perception and Expectations of Liberian and Africans migrating to the United States of America before and after arrival, and what factors including Education, Culture, Race, and Gender affecting those perceptions.


America is the most common destination for Liberian and some African Wanting to migrate from Africa (Capps et al., 2012).  Liberian have always come to America due to their close tide with the country, and when in 1989, the country fell into a brutal civil war Liberian came to America seeking among other things better medical facilities and treatment, higher education, and a comfortable and stable lifely hood. Before the war, migration by Liberian to American was very little and hardly notable; this was also similar in relation’ to other African countries (Ratha et al., 2011). The cause for the increase in migration was due to an increase in civil wars, coup d'état, tribal conflicts, and poverty on the continent.   There was also another reason why Liberian and African came to the America; this is attributed to an American back migration program which accounts for large numbers of African moving to America (U.S. Census Bureau, 2011; U.S. Census Bureau, 2016).


I like many African believed that America was a land of milk and honey where everything was easy to achieve. They also believe among other things that there is genuine concern for human dignity and where democracy exists and where everything generally was easy to achieved, especially when an individual was willing to work for it. However, perception is not always a reality as migrants came to experience different types of predigest, including races and sexes remarks, as well as other unwanted treatments from native-born black and white Americans. Africans quickly realize that migration, in most cases, did not seem as straightforward as some anticipated.


There have been several studies conducted relating to African migration to the united state; some discussed the issues affecting migrants from different focus points. C. Kevin Taber, in his article; “Exploring the third coast, and second City” (2018), highlighted the plight of the migrant from African as it relates to the origin and Nationality of Africa. His study highlights that west African were the largest group from Africa and that among west African, Ghanian and Nigerian were the two largest national to make the journaling. Another article examing the impact of winning the diversity visa have on Africans before and after they arrive in the United States. This program organized in 1990 as part of the immigration act was lunge in 1995, the objective was to increase diversity among migrants coming to the united states. The program has accounted for over 20000 Africans migrating to the united states every year (Konadu-Agyemang and Takyi, 2006). The diversity between 1990 to 2000 accounts for a 47 percent increase in the African migrant populations in the united states (Lobo, 2006), and a third of the African population in the twenty-first century (Thomas 2011). The program is beneficial to America as it was structured to evaluate and control the quantity and quality of migrants coming to the country. This study does not deal with the factor affecting migrants when they arrived and lived in America; it also had little or nothing to do with the perceptions of the migrants.


The current research deals with migrations, demographics, settlement destinations in the united states, the migration process etc. alone with tackling different aspects of migration to the united states of America. Current data have dealt with the cause of African migration, and have tackled a variety of topic from African professionals migration, the diversity visa program, the trend and pattern of migrants, to the advantages and disadvantages of migration; However, very little research has been conducted relating to perception as it relates to expectations, feelings and experience before and, or after they arrive. Very little data have been collected on current research conduct on Liberian and African migrants as it relates to their achievements in the united states and what the process entails. The current research has very little information on how American culture, namely, education, gender, and other factors, have affected the perceptions of Liberian and African migrants.


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