Explain how you would make consistency checks for the following questionnaire (Q9-Q11), using SPSS, SAS, Minitab, or Excel. I need a Minimum response of 500 words explaining the process of consistency checks as to each questionnaire. Please rate the importance of the following features you would consider when shopping for a new digitalcamera. If you were to buy a new digital camera, which of the following outlets would you visit? Please check as many as apply. a. __________ Drugstore b. __________ Camera store c. __________ Discount/mass merchandiser d. __________ Consumer electronics store e. __________ Internet stores/shopping sites f. __________ Other Q11. Where do you get most of your photo processing done? Please check only one option. a. __________ Drugstore b. __________ Mini labs c. __________ Camera stores d. __________ Discount/mass merchandiser e. __________ Consumer electronics store f. __________ Mail order/Internet g. __________ Kiosk/other
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