Explain the limitations of conventional file system, which has led to evaluation of DBMS.

technical writing


Q.1. Write answers for any two questions from below. (5 marks each – Word limit – 500) 

A. Explain the limitations of conventional file system, which has led to evaluation of DBMS. 

B. Draw E-R diagram with key attributes for the library : University library have many books. Books are written by different authors. Books are classified into different categories. Library purchases books from specific booksellers of different publishers. Members of Library are either staff-member or students. 

C. Explain Join operation in SQL ? Explain different types of joins with example. 

Q.2. Write short notes on all of the following topics (1 mark each – Word limit – 100) 

A. Database Standards 

B. Logical Data Independence 

C. Entity Relationship model 

D. Referential Integrity 

E. Grant and Revoke in DCL

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