Explain the objectives of undertaking this project to integrate new technology. In others words, what should the project accomplish, and how does it support the goal of your business?



Introduction [Your Introduction must include the following two elements at a minimum]

Problem Statement1

[Clearly state the problem that the business owner is seeking to solve. Be sure to address the question of what your business ultimately wants to do.]


Two Technologies

[Identify and briefly describe the two technologies, from the list provided, that you will research in your business systems analysis.]


Business Requirements


[Explain the objectives of undertaking this project to integrate new technology. In others words, what should the project accomplish, and how does it support the goal of your business?]


Project Description

[Provide a project description that explains the purpose of the project. Be sure to address the following:]


        i.            What does your business need to do to satisfy the objectives?

      ii.            What are the desired results at the end of the project?

    iii.            Why is it important for your business owner to consider implementing new technology?


Technology Requirements

[State the key technological requirements that will be required of any new technology in order to effectively solve your business’s problem. In other words, what specifically does the technology need to be capable of doing? (These are the technology requirements in the decision matrix.)]


Competitors and Technology

[In the section below, you will describe two competing companies that operate in the same industry as your business. You will also explain how a company uses the two technologies that you are investigating, to determine if the technology may be appropriate for your business to use. Remember that a list of competing companies was provided to you in the final project case scenario.]


Technology One [Replace heading with the technology selected (e.g., Social Media)]

[Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology. Briefly describe what that company does and how it uses this technology to support its business in general. Include specific examples.]

Technology Two [Replace heading with the technology selected (e.g., Social Media)]

[Select one company in the same industry as your own that uses this technology. Briefly describe what that company does and how it uses this technology to support its business in general. Include specific examples.]

Technology Benefit

[Referring to what you learned in your research on the companies above, explain one specific way in which one of the companies is benefitting from technology, and describe the potential benefit to your business if you were to adopt the same approach.]

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