Explain the purpose of the assignment and provide and any background information





Explain the purpose of the assignment and provide and any background information


2. Literature Review

(You must provide citation to support your claims)


2.2 Information Technology and its role in retail business in general



2.3 Networking Technology, different types in general



2.4 Ethics and Social Issues of using technology in general



2.5 The importance of Intranet and Internet in business in general











3. Analysis and Discussion


3.1 Role of Information Technology in the selected business


3.1.1 Types of different Information Systems that are used in selected business like Management Information System, Decision Support Systems etc.


3.2 Types of Networking Technologies that used in the selected business

3.3 Ethics and social issues in selected business


3.3 The importance of Intranet and Internet in the selected business


3.4 List and explain the different stage of system development life cycle

(Please note this may not be revenant to the selected business, however, you must provide a generic answer)

4. Conclusions
















<At least SIX references, but more would be preferred>

<Must be in Harvard Style>



Important points to remember and follow while doing your academic report.

·        Your report must be in academic English, not as in daily spoken language etc.


·        Your report must be impersonal, and never write in first person like ‘I’, ’me’, ’you’, ’yours’, ‘we’, ‘ours’, ‘us’ etc.


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