Explain the relationship between technological sophistication and energy use



Part I: 1. Explain the relationship between technological sophistication and energy use. 2. Discuss the societal costs and benefits of deriving energy from fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable sources. 3. List 2 advantages and disadvantages associated with nuclear energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, and wind energy. Part II: Use Internet search engine to answer the following questions. This essay should be at least one page in length. 1. What percentage of the world's total electricity is produced by wind power? Cite your sources using APA style format. 2. Will wind power someday replace fossil fuels? Explain. Part III: Discuss the world energy problem. What types of renewable and alternative energy technologies will promote economic growth for a sustainable environment in the 21st century? Isolate some of the issues, support with specifics, and outline some possible solutions. Be sure to cite your sources using APA style format. This report should be at least one page in length.

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