Explain why the ascension of Andrew Jackson to presidency has been called "the triumph of the white man's democracy.' Why did the Republican Party of Jefferson change its name to Democratic Party under Jackson? What forces brought about the de

political science


Explain why the ascension of Andrew Jackson to the presidency has been called "the triumph of the white man's democracy.' Why did the Republican Party of Jefferson change its name to Democratic Party under Jackson? What forces brought about the destruction of the Federalist Party? It has been said that politics creates "strange bedfellows." What faction of the new Whig Party seems ideologically out of place and would later return to the Democrats? How did the argument over abandoning the Articles of Confederation and adopting the constitution contribute to shaping the first party system of Federalists and Republicans? Explain how fusion with the Populist Party in 1896 began to change the Democrats view on federal government intervention in the economy.

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