Explain why you have chosen the particular organisation and ideas for your essay;



Question: To what extent is inequality a “necessary evil”?

This should be sent within 4.5 hours from now.

Level of English – very basic.


However, you should send me the plan for the essay you will write which is entitled:


• Explain why you have chosen the particular organisation and ideas for your essay;

• Explain how you use ideas from the reading texts and lecture to answer the question.

This should be sent within 2 hours from now





Here are links to 3 texts on the topic of Inequality.

Text 1

Widening inequality is largely a US and UK phenomenon – why?

https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/vince-cable-inequality-wealth- distribution-housing-ladder-how-to-fix-a7930536.html

Text 2

Higher inequality in the UK linked to higher poverty

http://www.lse.ac.uk/News/Latest-news-from-LSE/2017/11-November- 2017/Higher-inequality-in-the-UK-linked-to-higher-poverty

Text 3

What is the state of inequality in the UK? And why does it matter?

http://www.dannydorling.org/wp- content/files/dannydorling_publication_id4594.pdf


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