Fact Debate Speaker Responsibilities

general article writing


Communication Studies 3: Argumentation & Debate

Fact Debate

Speaker Responsibilities

First Affirmative Establishes the arguments (contentions) of the affirmative case and

Constructive: includes all the claims, grounds and reasoning that the audience/judge should

know in order to vote in the affirmative’s favor. They will also define the key

terms in the argumentative “ground.”

The 1AC will have a total of 3 minutes to get to as many arguments possible

(although, you may not get to all if you run out of time). Be sure to use ALL of

your time!

First Negative Establishes the arguments of the negative team and its position on the

Constructive: proposition. IF the negative team plans to question the definitions and key terms

and definitions, he/she must do it here and offer alternative definitions. The 1NC

will have a total of 3 minutes to present his/her case. He/She does NOT need to

offer rebuttals to the affirmative side just yet…that will be saved for the “rebuttal

rounds.” Be sure to use ALL of your time!

Second Affirmative Establishes the arguments (contentions) of the affirmative case and

Constructive: includes all the claims, grounds and reasoning that the audience/judge should

know in order to vote in the affirmative’s favor. They will also define the key

terms in the argumentative “ground.”

The 1AC will have a total of 2 minutes to get to the remainder of the team’s

arguments (although, you may not get to all if you run out of time). Be sure to use

ALL of your time!

Second Negative Establishes the arguments of the negative team and its position on the

Constructive: proposition. IF the negative team plans to question the definitions and key terms

and definitions, he/she must do it here and offer alternative definitions. The 1NC

will have a total of 2 minutes to present his/her case. He/She does NOT need to

offer rebuttals to the affirmative side just yet…that will be saved for the “rebuttal

rounds.” Be sure to use ALL of your time!

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