FIND Powerpoint software on your computer, click Start button, scroll for MS Office, Powerpoint.

computer science


Personal (your own) Powerpoint Slideshow Assignment


FIND Powerpoint software on your computer, click Start button, scroll for MS Office, Powerpoint. (If you do not own Powerpoint, use that is free (chapter 3) and can be downloaded from the Internet.)

Now, Create your very own, personal slideshow.

Click on “New”, select the template with clip art and text, and repeat until you’ve created 7 slides (no more or you will lose points).

SAVE your slideshow to your pen drive (thumb drive/USB drive) and or your hard disk on your own personal computer (working/designing/saving to your hard disk and then save as to the thumb drive speeds up memory).

If you do not have Powerpoint at home (or wherever you use a computer)and want to use it, then come immediately to the computer lab Moody Bldg, 7th floor.


For an 85 grade:

create 7 slides-

   Slide 1a heading “The LIFE of  John Doe” (put your name), your baby/toddler picture (of you), words about who you are (“a 25-yr old, a college sophomore, a parent of 12 children, a pilot, a swimming champion,…)

   On each continuing slide, write the heading/title (listed in BOLD)followed by bulleted or numbered items (one or the other, do not interchange bullets with numbers). Write a couple (2-3) phrases – NOT complete sentences, NO paragraphs!! Otherwise minus 20 points. This slide 1 is worth 15 points. Insert 2 – 4 photos/clipart in each of these continuing slides.

 Slide 2: Details about your family (My Family). 15 points. 

  Slide 3Details (about) your hobbies (My Hobbies)15  points.

   Slide 4Details about your major – why/how did you pick it (My Major & How I Picked It). 15 points.

   Slide 5: Details about what will you do with your major – job/work(What I Will Do With My Major). 15 points.

   Slide 6Bucket List (from the movie/what you want to accomplish before your time on earth is up) 15 points

   Slide 7: Bucket List continued 10 points.


Typos, misspelled words, and other errors (like leaving the placeholder/box on screen) will lose points. Note: a negative grade may be earned by careless mistakes.


At least 1 sound – (10-30 seconds long) inserted into entire slideshowtotal BUT not to be running during the presentation as it will be distracting and student will not be able to answer questions, if asked.

A background color (consistent color – not 1 slide pink, another slide orange, etc. or background picture/template (5 points),

Beyond this grade of 85, for more pointsput additional 2 morepictures/photos/clip art per slide, additional short sounds (not more than 3), use transitions (no more than 3 total slideshow)(zooming in or out/disappearing (5 points) – animation, words flying from right to left, from top to bottom, etc.
WILL NOT TO TOTAL MORE THAN 100 points (do extra things for 100 points, or do more, knowing you cannot earn more than 100 points maximum or could lose points).


         REQUIREMENTS: This assignment requires that you do a lot of background work. Find Hobbies photo, BUCKET LIST photos of where you’d like to visit/do. Go on the Internet and research wherethere’s FREE clipart (you can use your own computer’s WORD clipart) and FREE sounds (you can use your own computer’s Powerpoint sounds). 


CHECK OUT these free website suggestions:

There’s hundreds of other websites with free sounds.

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