Q- Find the nonlinear Equation roots in such way that should
have at least one same solution to the quadratic equation?
Where the variables used as follow:
P= (0.23); % concentration value
er1= (1+1.8*10^14*1i); % Complex
relative Permittivity of Phase 1
er2= (2.5+2.5*10^-3*1i); % Complex
relative Permittivity of Phase 2
Hc1= (10^6); % HC
critical magnetic field
H= [0, 2.5*10^4, 5.0*10^4,
7.5*10^4, 1*10^5, 1.3*10^5, 1.5.*10^5]; % average value of magnetic field
Pc= (0.33).*exp (-abs (H)/Hc1); %
percolation threshold Equation
c1= (1-3*Pc).*(((P). / (Pc)).
^Pc).*(((1-P)./(1-Pc)).^(1-Pc)); % approximation of Sarychev and
threshold Equation
approximation of Sarychev and Vinogradov
Nonlinear Equation wanted root solution
Quadratic Equation
The nonlinear equation should have two root solution one
correct and one wrong!!!!
The Quadratic Equation Have One solution!!!!!
The both equation should share the same root solution
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