Finish the specifications of the Identifier ADT and the Set ADT that can be found in the provided skeleton on Canvas. The type Identifier will be the type of the name and the type Set will be the type of the value of each variable stored by the calculator



Proceed as follows: 

1. Finish the specifications of the Identifier ADT and the Set ADT that can be found in the provided skeleton on Canvas. The type Identifier will be the type of the name and the type Set will be the type of the value of each variable stored by the calculator. 

2. From the API use (1) the class BigInteger to implement the arbitrary big natural numbers and (2) the class HashMap to store the arbitrary number of variables. 

3. Implement the class LinkedList according to the specification given in the ListInterface. The given class Node has to be used in the implementation of this class List. We provide a class ListTest which you must use to test your implementation. Instructions on how to use it are at the end of this document. 

4. Implement the class Set with the class LinkedList

5. Use instances of the class APException in case you want to throw an exception. 

6. Make, using the objects, a design for the interpreter. Use the method of recursive descent (see the example at the end). 

7. Get approval for the filled in interfaces, as well as the design of the interpreter, at the meetings with the assistant.

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