Five questions worth 10 points each for a total of fifty points will be chosen for the actual exam. Please answer each question with no more than several paragraphs.

political science



Comparative Politics


Japan Exam Study Guide


Part I: Short Essays: (50 Points)

Five questions worth 10 points each for a total of fifty points will be chosen for the actual exam. Please answer each question with no more than several paragraphs. There is no need to construct a formal essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Just answer each question directly as it is posed to you on the test.


Sample Questions

1) Please explain any three events which led to the eventual creation of a Japanese national identity.




2) Please explain any three events which led to the eventual creation of the Japanese state.




3) Please explain the impact of the first Europeans on Japanese politics.




4) Please explain three goals of the Meiji Restoration of 1868.




5) What is Nihon-jin Ron and how does it affect Japanese political culture?




6) What does the term dominant-party system mean?




7) Please explain three Japanese political parties.




8) What is the iron triangle and how does it affect Japanese politics?




9) What is the unit veto and how does it affect Japanese politics?




10) As portrayed in the film, Discovery Atlas: Japan, please explain any two of the individuals profiled and how they reflect the Japanese culture and national identity



(Don’t forget to study current Japanese political controversies over economic and foreign policy in addition to considering the powerful role Japan’s bureaucracy has in running the country.)



Part III: Essay Question (50 Points)

Please answer the following question. When writing your essay, be sure to address the issues and theories we have covered in class. Specific examples from the reading or lecture will also be helpful.  Each question is worth 50 points.


Please write an essay which explains the Japanese model of institution building. When writing your answer make sure to address the following questions: 1) how did Japan end up with its current set of political institutions? 2) How do Japanese politicians enter government service? 3) How is policy made in Japan? 4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of organizing power according to the Japanese system? 5) What does the future hold for Japan – change, stability or some combination of the two depending on the political issue involved? Also, please be sure to provide several examples of actual events from Japanese politics to help support and illustrate the argument defended in your essay. For instance, you could consider attitudes to trade, immigration or their handling of natural disasters from tsunamis to disease. Or you might want to write about questions of national security and military alliances. The choice is up to you.

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