For each dataviz, you have to list the purpose of that dataviz in the Title of the dataviz. Below the title, that is the area you can use for various dataviz. In these 2 dataviz, you should have



In Part 2 (8 points), you are asked to do two dataviz in 2 worksheets 

For each dataviz, you have to list the purpose of that dataviz in the Title of the dataviz. Below the title, that is the area you can use for various dataviz. In these 2 dataviz, you should have

  • The dataviz you do in Part 2 should be based on the outputs  of prepped Excel file
  • Each dataviz (worksheet) should have a ‘question statement’ and highlight your major findings that dataviz shows. 
  • At least one dataviz using time variable to show the dynamic changes over time.
  • At least one dataviz should utilize US maps to tell your story.
  • At least 2 dataviz should use data that comes from at least two worksheets.  
  • Four dataviz should all utilize different styles of chartings in Tableau. ‘



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