1 Introduction
For each of the following create a new project with an appropriate name and then write a program that solves the given problem. Remember to use Shift+Ctrl+F to format the program, or Shift+Command+F on the Mac and include the the standard comments of at the top which include the author, date, and a program description. Put a line or two of comments before major blocks of code on what that section of code is doing. Also before each decision structure a line or two of comments on what that decision structure is doing. The same goes for your loops, a line or two comment before each loop explaining what that loop is accomplishing. Each method should have a several line comment on what the method does, the meaning of any input parameters, and the intended return if any. For each program, you will be submitting the java code file through MyClasses, as you did before. I also want either a Microsoft Word docx file, LibreOffice Writer odt, or a text file (which you can create with NotePad++) which contains the output of at least three runs of each program on different data inputs. You do not need to include an algorithm with these programs but you should think the program through before you start coding. I would suggest flow-charting the main sections of the program layout, this will save you a lot of time in rewrites.
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