For example, examining a data set related to education or health using statistical models etc... Impact of some charecteristics on our model... etc. ( With R Language )..



1.     The final paper should consist of

For example, examining a data set related to education or health using statistical models etc... Impact of some charecteristics on our model... etc. ( With R Language )..

(Time series models, Models with Binary Dependent Variables, Ordered Choice Models, Models for Count Data, Multinomial Logit, Conditional Logit, Limited Dependent Variables (tobit), Panel Data Models .... etc)

Note: Just one model above for should be used for the real data set belonging to the problem definition you find. Whichever model is chosen, extra requirements must also be do. ( Page 2, 3 and 4  )

It is enough to apply one of these models. My prefer is "Models with Binary Dependent Variables" but you can change.

The information on the page must be written in the order specified in the blue part.

The problem and hypothesis should be clearly explained.

The method to be chosen for the problem should be briefly mentioned.

The data set must be obtained from an accessible website. (worldbank, kaggle, etc ...)

Whether we accept the hypothesis or not should be stated for reasons. ( conclusion  part )

(You can already find these extra special requirements for each model below)

If we accept this model, the additional requirements requested from me during the use of this model are as under red heading.  ( Page 2, 3 and 4 )

1       The final paper should consist of


            a) Title, Authors, Date

            b) Abstract

            c) Introduction

            d) Literature review

           e) Data

            f) Method/Model

           g) Results

           h) Findings

          i) Bibliography

          j) Appendix

2.      Formal language

3.      Abstract should comprise the main aims of the paper, short description of the method used, and main findings. Cf: and (link)

4.      Introduction. Describe the problem. Introduce the main and the secondary hypotheses. Explain the importance of the selected topic. (link 2)

5.      Data. Describe your data. Where do they come from? Describe the data transformations. If any data was removed, give the reason. A plot, histogram, or some form of data visualisation might be attractive to a reader and might help to better understand your data.

6.      Method/Model. General to specific approach.

7.      Results. Verify your hypotheses. Please formulate an explanation why the hypothesis was re- jected, if any. Publication quality table is necessary.

8.      Findings. Repeat the findings. The next possible ways of handling the topic/problem.

9.      Appendix. R-code with comments.

10.  Title, data, data description, one main hypothesis, one secondary hypothesis, literature should be sent until 12 April 2020 10:00

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