For simulation exercises, you may use any software or programming language of your choice, but Matlab or R should be easier to use.
with zt ∼ NID(0, 1), and σ
t = ω + α(σt−1zt − θσt−1)
2 + βσ2
Using GARCH parameters ω = 0.00001524, α = 0.1883, β = 0.7162, θ = 0, and λ = 0.007452,
simulate the GARCH call option price with a strike price of 100 and 20 days to maturity. Assume
r = 0.02/365 and assume that today’s stock price is 100. Assume today’s variance is 0.00016. Compare the GARCH price with the BS price using a daily variance of 0.00016 as well. (Indication: Make
sure to derive and show the risk-neutral dynamics to simulate from.)
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