For this assessment you will go through the different stages of a qualitative study in psychology. You will do so in an assigned Assessment Group of 3-4 students.



Instructions: For this assessment you will go through the different stages of a qualitative study in psychology. You will do so in an assigned Assessment Group of 3-4 students.

As a group, you will:

Create a research question appropriate for qualitative research – the general topic is ‘Students’ experiences in Higher Education’;

Design an interview schedule.

Individually, you will:

Conduct an interview (one-on-one, semi-structured interview);

Transcribe the interview;

Analyse three interview transcripts (one yours and two for two other members of the group) using Thematic Analysis or Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA);

Write up a qualitative research report, including all the conventional sections of a Psychology qualitative empirical report, and as per instructed during the PY5609 sessions.

Word Limit: 2,000 words. This excludes ‘Title page’, ‘References’ section, ‘Appendices’, figures and tables.

Report Structure:

1) Title Page – Must include: Report title and Word Count

2) Abstract – Must be typed on a separate page

3) Introduction (i.e., Literature Review)

4) Method

4.1) Participants

4.2) Data Collection Method

4.3) Data Analysis Method

4.4) Ethical Considerations

5) Analysis and Discussion

6) Reflexive Analysis

7) References

8) Appendices

8.1) Appendix A – Study Materials (Participant Information Sheet, Informed Consent Form and Debrief Form)

8.2) Appendix B – Interview Schedule

8.3) Appendix C – Annotated Interview Transcripts (Three in total)

8.4) Appendix D – Any other relevant materials, if applicable

Students must include all cited work in the ‘References’ section. Failure to acknowledge the work or the ideas of others amounts to plagiarism, which is a very serious academic offence. The required format for referencing in Psychology is the format adopted by the American Psychological Association (APA). A guide to the APA 6th referencing style is available in the Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology Module shell on Blackboard Learn.

Formatting Requirements:

Font size: 12pt

Font type: Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Time New Roman or similar clearly legible font type

Line spacing: Double spaced

Include page numbers

Include Title page (with Modular Block ID and title, Word count, and student ID)

Include Reference List (at the end, starting on a separate page)

Document Format Allowed: .pdf

Appendices can be submitted as a separate document in WISEflow (as ‘Appendices’)

Instruction Files

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