For this assignment you will write a Java class that manages an array list of SimpleStudent objects. The SimpleStudent class is supplied; make no changes to this class.

computer science


For this assignment you will write a Java class that manages an array list of SimpleStudent objects. The SimpleStudent class is supplied; make no changes to this class.

Begin by downloading the ArrayListSimpleStudent zip file and extracting the SimpleStudent class. After examining this class, add to the project a program containing main() that manages an array list of SimpleStudent objects. Your program will:

  • Ask the user the number of students to store.
  • Set up an array list to hold this number of SimpleStudent objects.
  • Allow the user to enter student information and store the associated SimpleStudent objects in the array list.
  • After the students have been entered into the list, display the contents of the list:
    • This helps the programmer in debugging the code.
  • Ask the user for a student to search for in the list.
  • Search the list to determine if this student is in the list:
    • If so, state this and give the index of the first occurrence of the student in the list.
      • If you find the student, you do not need to search further; there is no requirement to determine how many times the student appears in the list.
    • If not, state this.


  • One way to simplify main() is to write a method in the file with main() that allows the user to enter a student’s data, sets up a SimpleStudent object and returns this object to main().
    • A good name for this method would be enterSimpleStudent().
    • If you write a method of this type, be sure to set up a Scanner object in the method for use within the method. Don’t try to share the Scanner object in main() with another method; this leads to many problems.

A run of the program might look like the following:

Number of students: 4

Enter student information:

Student #1:

Name: Frank

Age:   21

Student #2:

Name: John

Age:   23

Student #3:

Name: Sally

Age:   21

Student #4:

Name: Bill

Age:   23

Students: [[Frank; 21], [John; 23], [Sally; 21], [Bill; 23]]

Enter student to search for in list:

Name: Sally

Age:   21

[Sally; 21] is in the list at index 2.

// Class to hold student's last name and age.

public class SimpleStudent
// Constructor.
public SimpleStudent(String last, int years)
lastName = last;
   age = years;
// SimpleStudent's get() methods.
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public int getAge()
return age;
// SimpleStudent's set() methods.
public void setLastName(String last)
lastName = last;
public void setAge(int years)
age = years;
// SimpleStudent's toString() method.
public String toString()
String stdt = "";
stdt = "[" + lastName + "; " + age + "]";
return stdt;

// SimpleStudent's equals() method.
// Compares both name and age.
public boolean equals(Object obj)
   SimpleStudent s2 = (SimpleStudent)obj;
boolean flag = (lastName.equals(s2.lastName)) &&
   (age == s2.age);
   return flag;

// Instance variables.
private String lastName;
private int age;

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