For this assignment, you will write an assembly language program to produce and present Fibonacci number series in hexadecimal.

computer science


Machine Organization & Assembly Language Programming

For this assignment, you will write an assembly language program to produce and present Fibonacci number series in hexadecimal.

 Your program must assemble with no errors, and run without failure to get any credit. 

 Late assignments will be accepted for five days after the due date and be penalized 10% per each late day including holidays and weekends. 

 All assignments are individual and only individual work will be accepted. Detected copies of assignments will result in zeros (including the student who actually solved the problem) 

Fibonacci Generator Write a procedure that produces N values in the Fibonacci number series and stores them in an array of doubleword then display the array to present Fibonacci numbers in hexadecimal (calling the DumpMem method from the Irvine32 library). Input parameters should be a pointer to an array of doubleword, a counter of the number of values to generate. Write a test program that calls your procedure, passing N = 30. The first value in the array will be 1, and the last value will be 832040 (000CB228 h).

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