For this course long group project, which is worth 200 points and represents 20% of your final grade in the course, you must work with two partners



For this course long group project, which is worth 200 points and represents 20% of your final grade in the course, you must work with two partners (no more than three people in your group/team) to develop, implement and evaluate a plan for how to build a successful, emotionally intelligent team. After choosing your team members, the next step will be to talk about what it means for a team to be emotionally intelligent and then create your own conceptual model of what it takes to create a successful team that is emotionally intelligent. You should work together to draw a preliminary model that includes at least five variables, but no more than ten — we do not want your model to be too complicated!

The variables that you include in the first draft of your model should come from your own experience and conversation with the other members of your project group. The final version of your conceptual model must be supported by published, peer-reviewed articles and/or the OB textbook by Colquitt, LePine and Wesson. I have posted a few dozen peer reviewed articles in the Digital Media Project Four Resources module in Canvas to make it a bit easier for you to find relevant articles. As a group, you must select at least three of those articles, read them and talk about how to use them in support of your conceptual model. You will also need to write an essay that explains the variables in your model and how they relate to each other. In this essay, you will need to include at least 15 citations from your three articles and the OB textbook. You should highlight your citations in bold type. You need to make it very clear how you have integrated content from the sources you select (this is why we would like you to put those citations in bold) and you should properly cite the sources using either APA or MLA rules. For more information about how to properly cite your sources, please use the resources at http://

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