For this task, you ought to concentrate on the perusing material for a considerable length of time 1-7 and YOU MUST READ the NORTEL CASE STUDY that is in the assets area of your classroom - It is additionally on page 535 of your content and in the assets



For this task, you ought to concentrate on the perusing material for a considerable length of time 1-7 and YOU MUST READ the NORTEL CASE STUDY that is in the assets area of your classroom - It is additionally on page 535 of your content and in the assets tab in our classroom. On the off chance that you pick, you may likewise look into the library for extra foundation about Nortel (If you do some extra research). 

The breakdown of your paper ought to be as per the following: Presentation of Your Paper: Give a presentation of the themes that you will talk about underneath (Base your presentation on our perusing material from weeks 1-7-It is fundamentally the majority of the perusing material from our class) Body of your paper: (8-10 Pages all out long)- Your considerations ought to be upheld with catchphrases from our content. 

You should answer every one of the five inquiries beneath and incorporate AT LEAST THREE watchwords from our content when reacting to EACH QUESTION. That implies that you would utilize 15 of the catchphrases in our content for this paper. This will demonstrate to me that you are endeavoring to bolster your musings with key material from our content and that you can apply the material from our class. The five required inquiries are as per the following:

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